Get Involved

Get Involved

Help Build STAT's Community of Science Educators

Volunteers are the catalyst for STAT's success and have been since 1957. The time and talents of educators like you have made the Science Teachers Association of Texas a vibrant, growing community.

No matter your level of education experience or tenure of membership in STAT, you can help STAT support and provide a voice for science educators—and in turn, you will grow as an educator, a leader, and a scientist, as well as form lasting relationships with peers across the state.

Available Volunteer Opportunities

  • Write articles for STAT publications or the blog
  • Contribute content to the STAT365 community
  • Participate in the STAT Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness Initiative
  • Serve on a local planning committee for STAT's annual conference, CAST
  • Submit a proposal to present at CAST
  • Volunteer on-site during CAST
  • Serve on a STAT committee
  • Run for service on the Executive Board
  • Assist with advocacy efforts before the State Board of Education and the Texas Legislature

Interested in learning more? Volunteer today!

Complete the Volunteer Interest Form